Requirement for Chinese and English abstract in original article
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Abstract is a short passage to provide the outline of a literature without evaluation and explanation, and record the key content briefly and correctly. The abstract should be self-evident and independent, possessing the equal amount of information in the literature. Namely, readers can obtain the needed information without looking through the whole text. The conciseness depends on the content of the literature content. Generally, the Chinese abstract should not exceed 400 words. The abstract should be written in the third person, avoiding the use of statement subject such as “the person himself”, “the author”, “we”, etc.

The abstract should contain four key point: Objective, Method, Result and Conclusion.

(1)     Objective: refers to the background and reason of the research, namely why the research is conducted.

(2)     Method: refers to the principle, object, observation, detailed methods of experiment in the research,

(3)     Result: refers to the research findings, effect, data, etc., focusing on the creative, practical results, including the important data obtained in the research,

(4)     Conclusion: refers to the comprehensive analysis on the results and judgment from the logical deduction. Sometimes, it also refers to the practical and promotional values. For exceptional findings or unsolved problems, they can be put forward for future investigation.

The content of both Chinese and English abstract should be consistent. The English abstract should be grammatically correct with accurate wording. The method and result part in English abstract can be more detailed than the corresponding part in Chinese abstract.  

Published date:2013-02-13Click:

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