周有礼 , 周伯禧 , 游家源 , 黄璨珣 , 江昇修 , 何金山 , 林启祯 , 苏芳庆
2001, 16(2):65-69. DOI: 10.3871/j.1004-7220.2001.2.69.
Abstract:During pregnancy, a woman changes especially in body weight, body shape, and endocrine system. Those changes make the pregnant women different from the non-pregnant women in posture and gait pattern. At the same time, activities of daily living become more difficult. But there was still no published paper discussing the posture and gait changes of the pregnant women in details and in a whole. In this study, we used the optimization method to define the hip joint center of the pregnant women. the optimization method can compensate the lack of the anthropometric data of the pregnant women. But the problem of mass distribution in the pregnant women is still necessary to be solved by non-invasive methods, e,g. surface laser scan. Due to the variations of physiological changes in the pregnant women, it was difficulty to standardize the gait analysis of pregnant women, even in the same gestational age. The data of gait analysis were also compared with questionnaires for further analysis. The results revealed that there really was some correlation between the significant finding of gait analysis and sacroiliac pain of the pregnant women. The low back pain often occurred in the following conditions of gait analysis:(1) when the hip extension moment increased; (2) when the knee extension moment decreased; and (3) when the angle of ankle plantar-flexion moment decreased. The gait analysis of the pregnant is a feasible, but complicated method for study.
2001, 16(2):70-75. DOI: 10.3871/j.1004-7220.2001.2.75.
Abstract:From the point of the fractals the regional differnce of nuetrophils distribution in the blood membrane are dis cussed.It is discovered that neutrophils distribution are of multifractal.We have established f(a)-a spectrum of neutrophils. Taking the neutrophils distribution to an example,the multifractal theory is applied to medicine, clinical and medical laboratory test and analysis.
2001, 16(2):76-79. DOI: 10.3871/j.1004-7220.2001.2.79.
Abstract:We proposed a two-dimensional analysis method in regional walls by using tagged MR images to obtain displacements and principal strains. The results of dilated cardiomyopathy compared with that of normal volunteers, and evaluated the wall functions.
赵静波 , 庄逢源 , Hans Gregersen
2001, 16(2):80-85. DOI: 10.3871/j.1004-7220.2001.2.85.
Abstract:To investigate the regional arterial stress-strain distributions referenced to the zero-stress state. Morphometry and stress-strain properties were studied in isolated segments of the thoracic aorta (T), abdominal aorta (A), left common carotid arteries (C), left femoral arteries (F) and the left pulmonary arteries (P) in 16 male Wistar rats. The distension test was performed as pressure-volume experiments. The dimensions of the outer wall were obtained from digitized images of the arterial segments at different pressures and at no-load and zero-stress states. The results showed that the morphometric data, such as inner and outer circumferential length, wall and lumen area, wall thickness, wall thickness-to-inner whins ratio and normalized outer diameter referenced to different pressures differed between the five arteries (p<0.01). The opening angle was largest in the pulmonary artery and smallest in thoracic aorta (p<0.01). The absolute value of both the inner and outer residual strain and the residual strain gradient were largest in the femoral artery and smallest in the thoracic aorta (p<0.01). In circumferential and longitudinal direction, the arterial wall was stiffest in the femoral artery and in the thoracic aorta respectively, and softest in the pulmonary artery. These results show that the morphometry and biomechanical properties distribution on these five different arterial segments was much different.
2001, 16(2):86-89. DOI: 10.3871/j.1004-7220.2001.2.89.
Abstract:In this paper, we studied the pulmonary artery mechanical properties of the patient with chronic pulmonary hypertension. We selected the patients with pulmonary hypertension secondary to rheumatic mitral valvular disease, and measured pulmonary thenal resistance and compliance. The results showed a significantly lower in the pulmonary artenal compliance (Co) and resistance of patients with pulmonary hypertension as compared to the controls (p<0.01). Linear correlation analysis showed that preoperative PAPm correlated closely with Co (r=0.745, p<0.05). we measured the changes of the pulmonary circulation hemodynamics and arterial compliance while infusing Sodium Nitroprusside(0. 5 ug/min' kg). In group of mild pulmonary hypertension (PAPm
2001, 16(2):90-94. DOI: 10.3871/j.1004-7220.2001.2.94.
Abstract:Objective: To investigate the influence of cantilever lengths on the load transfer and stress distribution patterns of the interface between the bone and dental implants. Methods: Authors analyzed the effects of three different cantilever lengths (0,5,10mm) on the stress distribution patterns of the interface between the bone and dental implants using three-dimension finite element method. Results: When cantilever was existed the maximum stresses occurred at the most distal bone/implant interface located on the loaded side and significantly increased with the length of the cantilever (p<0.001). Conclusions: Under loading, the highest stresses occurred at the distal cervical bone margin adjacent to the cantilever. The longer the cantilever was, the higher the stress was.
2001, 16(2):95-98. DOI: 10.3871/j.1004-7220.2001.2.98.
Abstract:To investigate the pathogenesis of patellofemoral degenerative arthrosis caused by tibial malrotation. Seven human knee joints from 7 fresh cadavers were used in vitro to test the contact pressure and the peak Pressure with Fuji Pressure sensitive film in the conditions of normal status, 10°, 20°, 30° both external tibial rotation and internal tibial rotation under the isometric tension of 196 N attached to the quadriceps tendon for 30°, 60° and 90° knee flexion. Results showed that the increase of the degree of external tibial rotation resulted in a nonlinear incline up in patellofemoral contact pressure on the lateral facet of patellar, while a nonlinear decline on the medial facet. However, the internal tibial rotation resulted in gradual decreasing of contact pressure on lateral facet and marked increasing on medial facet. These changes were regular during the range of 20° external rotation to 20° internal rotation. All of these prompted that tibial malrotation might bring out the patellofemoral degenerative althrosis by serious disorder of contact pressure distribution.