
1.北京航空航天大学 生物与医学工程学院;2.北京大学国际医院





The effect of early postoperative changes in graft viscoelasticity on stress distribution within the knee joint following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

1.School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering ,Beihang University;2.Orthopedics Department, Peking University International Hospital

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    目的 探究前交叉韧带重建术(ACLR)后0天及15天,股骨受到竖直向下压力时膝关节内应力分布。 方法 建立添加黏弹性材料属性的人体膝关节三维有限元模型。采用拟合蠕变曲线的方法获取软骨、半月板、韧带和前交叉韧带(ACL)移植体的一维Prony黏弹性本构模型参数。由于目前尚无人体ACLR后移植体黏弹性特性变化数据,本课题组前期发表的动物实验研究发现,兔模型ACLR后15天移植体的初始松弛模量、平衡模量与黏度系数分别降为术后0天时的60.93%、60.52%与87.85%。据此估计人体ACLR后15天移植体黏弹性材料属性参数,模拟分析了股骨受到竖直向下1500N压力时,持续1s与600s两种时长后膝关节韧带、前交叉韧带移植体、关节软骨与半月板的范式等效应力分布。结果 压力持续1s后,健康、ACLR后0天及15天膝关节的股骨软骨应力峰值分别为0.71MPa、0.72MPa、0.69MPa,胫骨软骨的应力峰值分别为2.71MPa、2.77MPa、2.68MPa,内侧半月板的应力峰值均为0.01MPa,外侧半月板的应力峰值分别为0.05MPa、0.04MPa、0.09MPa,健康前交叉韧带(ACL)、术后0天及15天移植体的应力分别为1.05MPa、1.59MPa与1.12MPa。压力持续600s后,健康、ACLR后0天及15天膝关节的股骨软骨的应力峰值分别为0.90MPa、0.91MPa、0.90MPa,胫骨软骨的应力峰值分别为1.46MPa、1.45MPa、1.69MPa,内侧半月板的应力峰值均为0.11MPa,外侧半月板的应力峰值分别为0.14MPa、0.13MPa、0.16MPa,健康ACL、术后0天及15天移植体的应力分别为0.56MPa、1.10MPa与0.71Mpa。 结论 通过构建添加黏弹性材料属性的有限元模型进行研究发现,人体ACLR后15天移植体的初始松弛模量与平衡模量依旧高于人体ACL,因此ACL移植体所承受的应力相比健康ACL更高。然而无论载荷持续1s还是600s,尽管移植体的力学特性在ACLR后降低,但股骨受到竖直向下施加压力对软骨与半月板影响均较小。


    Objective To investigate the stress distribution of the knee joint at 0 and 15 days after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) during 1s and 600s after a compressive force through the axis.of the femoral shaft onto the proximal femur. Method A three-dimensional finite element model of the human knee joint incorporating viscoelastic material properties was developed. The one-dimensional Prony series viscoelastic constitutive model parameters for articular cartilage, menisci, ligaments, and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) grafts were determined by fitting experimental creep curves. Since no human data currently exist on viscoelastic property alterations in ACL grafts following ACLR, our previous animal study demonstrated that in rabbit models at 15 days post-ACLR, the initial relaxation modulus, equilibrium modulus, and viscosity coefficient of grafts decreased to 60.93%, 60.52%, and 87.85% of the grafts at day 0 after ACLR. Based on these findings, the viscoelastic parameters of human ACL grafts at 15 days post-ACLR were extrapolated. Finite element simulations were then performed to analyze the von Mises equivalent stress distributions in knee ligaments, ACL grafts, articular cartilage, and menisci under a vertical downward compressive load of 1500 N applied to the femur, with loading durations of 1 second and 600 seconds.. Results Following 1s of loading, the peak stress values of femoral cartilage were 0.71MPa(intact), 0.72MPa(0-day after ACLR), 0.69MP(15-day after ACLR). Corresponding tibial cartilage stresses measured 2.71 MPa, 2.77 MPa, and 2.68 MPa, respectively. The medial meniscus demonstrated uniform peak stress of 0.01 MPa across all conditions, while lateral meniscus stresses were 0.05 MPa (intact), 0.04 MPa (0-day after ACLR), and 0.09 MPa (15-day after ACLR). Stress in the ACL or graft revealed 1.05 MPa (native ACL), 1.59 MPa (graft at 0-day after ACLR), and 1.12 MPa (graft at 15-day after ACLR). After 600 seconds of sustained loading, the peak stress values of femoral cartilage were 0.90 MPa (intact), 0.91 MPa (0-day after ACLR), and 0.90 MPa (15-day after ACLR). That of tibial cartilage were 1.46 MPa , 1.45 MPa, and 1.69 MPa, respectively. The peak stress values of medial meniscus were 0.11 MPa across all conditions, with lateral meniscus stresses were 0.14 MPa (intact), 0.13 MPa (0-day after ACLR), and 0.16 MPa (15-day after ACLR). The ACL or graft revealed 0.56 MPa (native ACL), 1.10 MPa (0-day graft), and 0.71 MPa (15-day graft). Conclusion The finite element modeling study incorporating viscoelastic material properties revealed that at 15 days post-ACLR, the initial relaxation modulus and equilibrium modulus of human ACL grafts remained elevated compared to native ACL tissue, resulting in significantly higher stress concentrations within the grafts relative to healthy ACL. However, under both short-term (1 s) and prolonged (600 s) loading durations, despite the compromised mechanical properties of the grafts post-ACLR, the vertical downward compressive force applied to the femur exhibited minimal biomechanical impact on articular cartilage and meniscal structures.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-12-31
  • 最后修改日期:2025-02-06
  • 录用日期:2025-02-20
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