To investigate the longitudinal residue strain and stress-strain relation of extremitiesarteries and veins in human, evaluated the particular reference to the option of vascular repair.Methods: A mechanical analysis including stretch experiment and longitudinal stretch ratiomeasurement was undertaken to evaluated.the longitudinal residue strain and stress-strain relationof extremities arteries and veins in human. Results: The longitudinal stretch ratio of extremitiesartery decreased along vessel branch but that of vein increased. There was significant differenceamong the longitudinal stretch ratio of extremities artery and those of branchiocephalicae vein orsaphena megna vein but subclavia and femoral artery (p<0.05). The longitudinal stretch ratio ofvein was higher than those of artery at same level. The stress-strain relation curve of artery turnedright along vessel branch but that of vein turned left .Conclusion: The longitudinal residue strainand the stiffness of extremities artery decreased along vessel branch but that of vein increased. Itsuggested to orepair the injuried vessel according to the biomechanlcal effect.